How to use
How to use
Our New Service
AI Voice Bot
Minimize Call Center task
Our AI Chatbot provides 24/7 voice support, reducing workloads and ensuring quick, accurate responses.
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Dashboard is a summary of chatbot usage statistics, which will include.
Date range can choose to view data in 3 time ranges, which are:
7 day - Weekly statistics, with a percentage comparison to the statistics of the previous 7 days.
30 day - Monthly statistics, with a percentage comparison to the statistics of the previous 30 days.
365 day - Yearly statistics, with a percentage comparison to the statistics of the previous 365 days.
Total Users is the statistics of the total number of users since the chatbot was activated.
Tip: The percentage % represents a comparison with the previous time period according to the selected time range (7 days ago, 30 days ago, 365 days ago).
Total Messages is the statistics of the total number of messages that the chatbot has responded to since it was activated.
Active Users is the statistics of the number of people who have used the chatbot exclusively within the selected time range, divided into
New User is a user who comes to use the chatbot for the first time.
User Retention are users who have come to talk with the chatbot and come back to use it again.
Incoming Message is the number of messages that users send to chat with the bot, divided into
Responded Messages is the number of messages that the chatbot can respond to.
Non Responded Messages is the number of messages that the chatbot cannot respond to. (Default Fallback)
Agent Call Messages is the number of messages where users want to talk to an agent.
User Statistics is the statistics of the number of chatbot users presented in graph format.
Total Intents is the total count of times when an intent is invoked to respond to users.
The intent table displays a list of intents that have been called to respond. They will be sorted in descending order by frequency, and results will be shown 5 intents per page.
Intent name is the name intent
Total is the number of times the intent has been invoked to respond.
Ratio is the percentage proportion that the intent has been called compared to the total number of intent calls.
Train Bot
Train Bot is an important component in building chatbots because it is the part used to configure the bot's responses to user questions, allowing them to interact. The components of the Intent list are as follows.
Search Intent is used to search for the Intent, Phrase, and Response configurations you want to set up.
Sort is used to arrange Intents in alphabetical (a-z) or chronological (oldest to newest) order.
Default Fallback displays all of the user's messages that the bot doesn't understand when the confidence level of those messages is lower than the configured threshold.
Here's how you can configure the Default Fallback:
a. Bot Response is the configuration for the responses you want the bot to provide when it doesn't understand a user's input, typically when the system detects a confidence percentage below the configured threshold. This allows you to define how the bot should reply when it encounters uncertain or ambiguous user messages.
b. Confident refers to the confidence threshold that determines when the bot should respond to user inputs. It represents the level of certainty the bot needs in order to provide a response. Generally, a higher confidence threshold, closer to 100%, means that the bot will respond only when it's very confident that the user's input closely matches the information it has been trained on. In other words, users would need to provide inputs that are highly accurate and closely aligned with the bot's training data to trigger a response when a high confidence threshold is set.
Example Default Message is 'Sorry I don't understand,' and the Default Confidence Threshold is set to 65%.
The configuration of Bot Response is set to "Sorry I don't understand," and the Confidence Threshold is set at 65%. This means that when a user's message has a confidence level greater than 65%, the bot will respond with the Bot Response associated with the specific Intent in which the bot is confident. However, when the user's message has a confidence level less than 65%, the bot will respond with the Bot Response "Sorry I don't understand" that we have set in the Default Fallback.
Chitchat is the mode for casual conversation used to train the bot with one-on-one question and answer interactions. This is because sometimes the text input can be very specific, making it challenging to categorize sentences into specific Intents. For example, if someone asks, "Do you want to live on Mars?" there's no need to create a separate Intent for it. Instead, you can directly instruct the chatbot to respond with "Do you want to go together?"
For training the bot in the Chitchat section, go to the "Trained" section, where you can teach the bot in two different modes together.
a. Train In this "Train" mode, the system will prompt questions from the "Untrained" section below. You can teach the bot by entering the desired response in the "Enter Bot Response" field and clicking the "Train" button to save the response. Alternatively, you can click the "Skip" button to move on to the next sentence without providing a response.
b. New In the "New" mode, you will need to come up with your own questions. You can enter a question in the "Enter Phrase" field and provide the bot's response in the "Enter Bot Response" field. Then, click the "Train" button to save the response. This mode allows you to create custom question-answer pairs for training the bot.
Intent (IN) is used to create categories for teaching messages with the same meaning but different wording together, making it easier to manage. For example, an Intent named "Greetings" would collect various greeting phrases such as "Hello," "Hi there," "Hey," and "Good morning." You can group these different phrases together and create a set of responses for this group, simplifying management tasks all in one place.
a. +New button is used to create a new set of Intents.
b. Intent Name field is where you can specify the name for your Intent.
Tip: New Intents that you create will be displayed in the "My Intents" list below.
Tip: You can delete an Intent by checking the box next to the Intent's name, and then the system will display a delete button for you to press. Click the Delete button to proceed with the deletion, or you can delete all Intents at once by checking the box next to "All" and then pressing the Delete button.
For teaching a bot, the section on Intent is divided into two main parts: teaching the bot to understand the purpose of the messages sent by users (Expected Phrase) and teaching the bot to respond to questions in line with that purpose (Bot Response).
c. For teaching the bot to understand the purpose of the messages sent by users (Expected Phrase), you can do so using two methods:
a. In the "Trained" section, you can type the text that you anticipate users will inquire about into the "Enter Phrase" box, and then press the "Train" button to save it.
Tip: You can edit the text in the "Trained" section by clicking on the pencil icon next to the text.
Tip: You can also drag and drop the text from the "Trained" section into other Intents listed in "My Intent" on the left-hand side.
Tip: You can delete data in the "Trained" section by clicking on the text phrase you want to delete and then pressing the "Delete" button. Alternatively, you can delete all trained data by clicking on the "Delete Trained" button on the left.
a. In the "Untrained" section, if the text entered by users doesn't match what you've previously trained (with confidence less than 100%) but has confidence higher than what's set in the Default Message settings, those messages will be displayed in the "Untrained" section. You can click on the plus icon to teach the bot, and the trained messages will move to the "Trained" section above.
Tip: On the "Untrained" page, you can drag and drop those text phrases into other Intents listed in "My Intent" on the left-hand side or into the "Trained" section at the top.
Tip: You can teach the bot multiple words at once by clicking on the text phrase you want to teach and then pressing the "Add" button. This will allow you to teach multiple words in a single teaching session.
Tip: You can delete data in the "Untrained" section by clicking on the text phrase you want to delete and then pressing the "Delete" button. Alternatively, you can delete all untrained data by clicking on the "Delete Untrained" button on the left.
d.Bot Response for managing bot responses, where the bot's responses can take multiple formats.
a. +New Button for creating sets of chatbot responses.
b. Response A set of chatbot responses can be created in multiple formats.
Existing objects: Selecting responses in the form of Objects or Intents from the media library that has been previously created.
Text: Responding in text format or as plain text.
Image: Responding in image format.
Carousel: Responding in the format of a rotating carousel with images and buttons.
Button: Responding in the format of Quick Reply buttons: responding with message buttons that can be clicked once. Flex Message: responding in a format that can be customized by us. Custom Payload: responding in a format that we can customize ourselves.
Tip: If you want to delete a set of responses, check the box in front of the response set name, and the system will display a delete button for you to press. To delete all response sets, check the "All" box and then press the "Delete" button.
Tip: If you want to enable or disable the use of a set of responses, check the box in front of the response set name. The system will display an "Enable/Disable" button for you to click. Click it once to toggle between enabling (text color will be bold) and disabling (text color will be faded). When disabled, the bot will not use this set of responses to respond to users. To use the response set again, check the box in front of the response set name and click the "Enable/Disable" button once more.
e. Import Adding data through Excel is suitable for managing a large volume of data efficiently.
You can "Download Template" that is provided to edit the data immediately. There are three types available in total.
a. Download the "Intent-Phrase Template" for managing the groups of questions for each Intent.
a. Intent It refers to the field where you can input the name of the Intent.
b. Phrase is the field where you can enter the words or sentences associated with that specific Intent.
b. Download the "Intent-Response Template" for managing groups of responses for each Intent.
a. Intent refers to the field where you can input the name of the Intent.
b. Response is the field where you can enter the responses or sentences you want the bot to provide for that specific Intent.
c. Download the "Chitchat-Response Template" for managing groups of questions and responses for chitchat conversations.
a. "Phrase" is the field where you can enter the questions or sentences that you anticipate users will type or input.
b. "Response" is the field where you can enter the responses or sentences you want the bot to provide for that specific Phrase.
Tip: The headers of the columns in the template must not be changed.
f. Export to export the trained data in Excel format.
a. You can specify a date range for the data you want to export.
a. Starting-Present: You can select a date range from the beginning up to the present.
b. Select a date range: You can choose a specific time range.
b. Type you can select the specific data you want to export, specifying which parts or sections you'd like to include.
a. Trained: The data in the "Trained" section.
b. Untrained: The data in the "Untrained" section.
c. Categories You can choose the data type you want to export.
c. All: All data types.
a. Chitchat: Only Chitchat data.
b. Default Message: Only Default Message data.
c. Intent: Only Intent data.
d. Tip: You can select and export specific data simultaneously.
It is a group of various words that are categorized together, or they are words that have the same meaning (the Entity feature will be used in Object Dialogue).
a. New Entities - Button for creating sets of entities.
b. Entities Name - Field for naming entities.
c. Click the button (+Add Phrase).
d. Confident - Field for setting the confidence level of entities.
Tip: You can delete data in Trained by clicking on the phrase text you want to delete and pressing the Delete button to remove it.
Tip: You can delete entities by checking the box in front of the entity name. Then, the system will display a delete button for you to click. Press the Delete button to remove it. Alternatively, you can select and delete all entities at once by checking the 'All' box, then clicking the Delete button.
Normally, general chatbots respond in a 1:1 question-answer format. However, Dialogue is another response format that can engage in continuous conversations. In this format, you can both define the format of questions and answers and the flow of the conversation. You can also collect user response data to use in connecting with other systems.
Components of the Object (Dialogue Flow) page
The Object Dialogue page has six main components
Add a button to create a Dialogue page.
Delete button for deleting Dialogue (trash can icon).
Import/Export buttons for importing and exporting dialogue files.
Edit button for editing dialogue (pencil icon).
Duplicate button for copying dialogue (stacked paper icon).
Search - Field for searching dialogue names.
Components of the creation page dialogue
Object Name - Field for naming the Dialogue.
Zoom In - Button for enlarging the workspace view (plus magnifying glass icon).
Zoom Out - Button for reducing the workspace view (minus magnifying glass icon).
Home - Button to return to the starting point of the flow (house icon).
Save - Button for saving the Dialogue.
Components of a Node.
"Node" refers to a way of indicating the sequence of text boxes or messages that a chatbot will use to respond to a user. These text boxes or messages are typically numbered sequentially, starting from 1 and continuing in order. Each node represents a step or a part of the conversation, allowing the chatbot to provide responses in a structured and sequential manner.
Command - A field used to input text or objects for the chatbot's responses.
Duplicate (stacked paper icon) is a function used to copy the Command.
Delete (trash can icon) is a function used to delete the Command.
Enter message - A field for inputting the text you want the chatbot to respond with. You can also input emojis, parameter <..>, Object
Parameter <..> - This function is used for storing and displaying the values of variables. 'Use parameter' is a way to display the variable's value, while 'Add parameter' is used for storing the variable's value.
a. Add parameter - You can add variables to store data from this section. The variables added here will be displayed in the Parameter section and can be reused.
The format of data storage variables will be enclosed with <variable name>, for example, when called, it will store data such as names, etc. - 'Use parameter' allows you to use the variables added from this section. This function is used to display the data stored in the variables, with the added variables appearing in the Parameter section. There are system default variables that can be used directly and are located in Global parameter. You can use them immediately. The format of data storage variables will be enclosed with <<variable name>>, for example, <<name>>, when called, it will display the stored name, and so on.
Additional Parameter Usage.
Add Parameter - An example of creating variables to store data.
Click on the <..> icon to open the parameter creation window.
Click on the 'Add parameter' tab, enter the variable name you want in the field, and then click 'Add'.
Creating a normal variable will look like the picture above, with a <variable name> sign covering the variable name.
Use Parameter - An example of how to access data stored in variables.
Retrieving the data stored in a variable adds a <<variable name>> symbol around the variable name.
Value Parametor Example of assigning values to variables.
When creating regular variables, they will be displayed in the format on the left, enclosed with <variable name>.
To assign values to variables, we edit the text to the format on the right, as shown in the image. This format will look like <!variable_name|variable_value!>.
Formula Parameter - Using variables in mathematical calculations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
We can use the values of our variables for calculations as shown in the figure. An example demonstrates the formula format <!variable_name|<$<<variable_name>>/<<variable_name>>$>!>
In this example, it's taking the value in the 'tall' variable and dividing it by the value in the 'weight' variable, then storing the result in the 'sum' variable <!........|....!> = Assigning a value to the variable <$……$> = Using the calculation function in the formula.
Add more command - You can increase the number of commands.
Tip: The added command list will respond in cases where the user's response doesn't match the set conditions and is still within the conversation flow.
If the response doesn't match any, it's the slot for the message that the bot will respond with in the event the user responds inaccurately and ends the conversation or exits the Flow conversation.
Setting has four main components as follows:
Set start point - To establish the starting point of the flow, indicating from which Node the process should begin.
Duplicate - For copying a node.
Time out - For setting up the flow when the user doesn't respond within the specified time.
Remove - For deleting a node.
"Next step" function to add or connect to the next condition to create conditions for the chatbot to work in the next step. There are four types of conditions that can be defined.
component of Condition
Condition Section for creating or setting conditions that allow the chatbot to work in the next step according to the configured settings.
"Entities" as a way to establish conditions based on words, sentences, or groups of words. If a user types text that matches what you've defined, the chatbot can proceed to the next step.
Usage - You can choose from.
Entities that we've created can be used by clicking on the icon (depicted as an elephant) or by typing text into the 'Select Entities or Enter Phrase' field. You can also save them as new entities by clicking on the 'Save Entities' button. A window will appear where you can enter a name, adjust conditions, and click the 'Save' button to save it for future use.
Intent - Capturing the intention of the words or sentences from the user, as previously trained, on the 'Train Bot' page.
Usage - You can select from the Intents that we've already created by clicking on the elephant icon.
"RegEx or Regular Expressions is a way to define patterns or groups of words for the purpose of searching for various texts according to our needs. It can be used to search for both ordinary characters or specific patterns, allowing us to search for specific content. For example, if we want the user to respond with numbers, such as a phone number or a national identification number, RegEx can be used.
Usage - You can select the format of RegEx from the list of options that we have prepared, or
"Character" Receive all text characters.
"Email" captures text in email format.
"Phone Number" captures text in phone number format.
"License Plate" captures text in license plate format.
"Date Format" captures text in date format.
"Custom" allows you to write or define your own RegEx pattern.
Match is setting conditions based on the number of values stored in that parameter. If it is equal to or greater than the specified number of values, events will occur in the subsequent flow that we have created.
The text "<>" is a placeholder used to indicate where to specify the name of a parameter.
The middle field is for us to select a symbol to indicate the condition of the values in our parameter, such as =, !=, <, >, <=, >=.
"Value number" is referring to a field or input box where you can enter the numerical value for the parameter
Image (IMG)
Image (IMG) is the bot's response in the form of images.
Page components Image
The Object Image page has 6 main components, which are
Add button for adding an Image
Delete button for deleting an Image (trash can icon)
Import/Export button for importing and exporting Image files
Edit button for editing an Image (pencil icon)
Duplicate button for copying an Image (stacked paper icon)
Search box for searching Image name
Components of the creation page Image
Object Name Field for entering the name of the Object Image
URL Field for entering the web link of the image to be used, must be in https format.
Upload Field for uploading an image from your computer to store it in the system.
Image Recommendations and Limitations
a. Recommended size: 900*900px
b. Minimum size: 450*450px
Carousel (CRS)
Carousel (CRS) is the bot's response in the form of a Card that includes an image and text, with buttons that can be clicked to view additional information. It can respond as either text or an Object.
Page components Carousel
The Object Carousel page has 6 main components, which are:
Add button for adding a Carousel
Delete button for deleting a Carousel (trash can icon)
Import/Export button for importing and exporting Carousel files
Import/Export button for importing and exporting Carousel files
Duplicate button for copying a Carousel (stacked paper icon)
Search box for searching Carousel names
Elements on the creation page Carousel .
Field for entering the name of the Object Carousel.
Add button to add additional Carousel cards (plus icon +).
Tip: You can add a maximum of 10 cards.
Tip: You can click on the image icon to drag and rearrange the positions of Carousel cards.
a. Duplicate for duplicating Carousel cards (stacked paper icon).
b. Delete for deleting Carousel cards (trash can icon).
c. URL for entering the web link of the image to be used, must be in https.
d. Upload for uploading an image from your computer to store it in the system.
e. Enter title field for entering the title of the Carousel.
f. Enter description Field for entering the description of the Carousel.
g. Add button Field for adding buttons to the Carousel, with the ability to add up to 3 buttons.
a. Button Label Field for setting the button label.
b. Button Type Dropdown to select the button type, with 3 options:
1. Message for creating a regular text button.
2. Phone for creating a phone number button.
3. URL for creating a website link button.
c. Message Field for entering the message that the bot will respond with, and the content will vary based on the selected button type.
Recommendations and Limitations of Carousel
Maximum number of cards that can be created: 10 cards
Recommended image size: For Facebook - 1200px * 1200px, For Line - 976px * 648px
Title: Maximum 40 characters
Description: Maximum 60 characters
Maximum number of buttons that can be added: 3 buttons
Button types: There are 3 types (Text, Phone, URL)
Button label: Maximum 20 characters
Tip: When creating cards from the 2nd to the 10th card, it is necessary to create the same number of buttons as in the 1st card.
Button (BTN)
Button (BTN) is the bot's response in the form of clickable buttons, which remain on the screen after being clicked.
Page components Carousel
The Object Button page has 6 main components, which are:
Add button for adding a Button
Delete button for deleting a Button (trash can icon)
Import/Export button for importing and exporting Button files
Edit button for editing a Button (pencil icon)
Duplicate button for copying a Button (stacked paper icon)
Search box for searching Button names
Components of the creation page Button
Object Name Field for entering the name of the Object Button.
Enter title Field for entering the title of the Button.
Add button Field for adding buttons to the Button, with the ability to add up to 3 buttons.
a. Button Label for setting the button name
b. Button Type selection has 3 options
1. Message to create a button that is plain text
2. Phone to create a button that is a phone number
3. URL to create a button that is a website link
c. Message to enter the text that the bot will respond with, it will vary depending on the type of button we choose
Button Tips and Limitations
Title: Maximum of 160 characters.
Maximum number of buttons: 3 buttons.
Button types: There are 3 types (text, phone number, URL).
Button label: Maximum of 20 characters.
Quick Reply (QRP)
Quick Reply (QRP) is the bot's response in the form of Choices, which are buttons. When you click on one of the buttons, the Quick Reply disappears
Page components Quick Reply
The Object Quick Reply page has 6 main components:
Add button to add a new Quick Reply.
Delete button to delete a Quick Reply (trash can icon).
Import/Export Buttons for importing and exporting Quick Replies.
Edit button to edit a Quick Reply (pencil icon).
Duplicate button to duplicate a Quick Reply (stacked paper icon).
Search search field to search for Quick Replies by name.
Components of the creation page Quick Reply
a. Object Name: A field for entering the name of the Object Quick Reply.
b. Enter quick reply title: A field for entering the title or name of the Quick Reply.
c. Add button: A field for adding buttons to the Quick Reply, with the ability to add up to 13 buttons.
Flex Message (FX)
Flex Message is a flexible format for responding to questions that can be designed freely. In a Flex message, you can include buttons, icons, images, text, and more. Additionally, you can create actions from buttons, images, and text.
Tip: Flex-style objects are designed to be displayed exclusively on a single line.
The components of a page Flex
The Object Flex page has six main components
Add Flex Button
Delete Flex Button (Trash Can Icon)
Import/Export Flex Button
Edit Flex Button (Pencil Icon)
Duplicate Flex Button (Paper Stack Icon)
Search Flex Name Field
Flex page components
Object Name: A field for entering the name of the Flex Object.
Go to Flex Simulator: A link to go to the platform page used to create Flex.
Field: An empty space for pasting the JSON code of the Flex.
Flex Recommendations and Limitations
Custom Payload (FX)
is a flexible question response format that can be designed freely.
Page components Custom Payload
The Object Custom Payload page consists of 6 main components, namely:
Add button for adding Custom Payload.
Delete button for deleting Custom Payload (trash can icon).
Import/Export button for importing or exporting Custom Payload files.
Edit button for editing Custom Payload (pencil icon).
Duplicate button for copying Custom Payload (stacked paper icon).
Search field for searching Custom Payload by name.
page creation components Custom Payload
Object Name: Field for entering the name of the Object Custom Payload.
Dropdown: For selecting the type of Custom Payload, whether it's for LINE or Facebook.
Field: Empty space for pasting the JSON code of the Custom Payload.
Instructions and limitations Custom Payload
Rich Menu (RM)
The quick reply menu in the chat room allows you to configure responses when selecting menu items according to your preferences, which can be web links, text, or different intents.
Tip: Rich Menus are supported for display on LINE only.
Page components Rich Menu
The Object Rich Menu page has 6 main components:
Add button for adding Rich Menu
Delete button (trash can icon) for removing Rich Menu
Import/Export button for importing and exporting Rich Menu files
Edit button (pencil icon) for making changes to Rich Menu
Duplicate button (stacked paper icon) for creating a copy of Rich Menu
Search bar for finding Rich Menus by name
Page components Create Rich Menu
Object Name field for entering the name of the Object Rich Menu.
Select Type for selecting the type of Rich menu whether it is small or large.
Columns Add columns for specifying positions in the Rich menu.
Rows Add rows for specifying positions in the Rich menu.
Rich Menu Image: Area for uploading images of Rich menu.
Setting for setting the functionality of the Rich menu.
a. Set as main rich menu Set as main rich menu when opening LINE.
b. Set as auto show Set to show Rich menu immediately when opening Line.
Click Action for setting the work of each Rich menu position in Created columns and rows, with 4 types of work settings possible.
a. Text Sent as a message when the user presses to the specified area.
b. URL opens the website when the user clicks on the specified area.
c. Object is displayed as Object when the user clicks on the specified area.
d. Intent is displayed as the response from the Intent when the user clicks on the specified area.
Instructions and limitations Rich Menu
Supported file formats: png, jpg, jpeg
File size: Not exceeding 1 MB
Supported image sizes: 2500x1686, 2500x843, 1200x810, 1200x405, 800x540, 800x270 pixels
Website for creating Rich Menu:
Admin Page for Managing User Chat with the Ability to Insert Conversations between the Bot and Users at Any Time.
API page components
The Object Custom Payload page has six main components
Add button for adding API
Delete button for deleting the API (trash can icon)
Import/Export Buttons for importing and exporting API files
Edit button for editing the API (pencil icon)
Duplicate API copy button (overlapping pieces of paper icon)
Search box for searching for the API name.
API page components
Object Name: Field for entering the name of the Object API.
Method field for selecting the API type.
a. GET
b. POST will have a body section where you can enter the code.
URL field for pasting the API URL link.
Add Header for adding the API Header if you want to use it.
a. Header: Field for entering Header values.
b. Value: Field for entering Value.
A page for bot admins to manage chats from users.
You can interrupt the conversation between the bot and the user at any time.
Components of the Live Chat page
Bot/Agent can press toggle to view incoming messages.
Bot is the message that the user is currently talking to the bot about.
Agent is a message that has Agent status because the user wants to talk to an agent.
Search is field for searching for the user's name
Filter is the section for setting up message filtering consists of:
Channel is the filter section shows the type of message that comes from which channel.
Message Status for filtering to show what type of message it is.
All is choose to display messages from all users.
Read is Choose to show only messages from users who have read them.
Unread is Choose to show only messages from users who have not yet read them.
Block is choose to show only messages from blocked users.
Tag is select to display only messages from selected tagged users.
Inbox Message is list of messages the user is currently discussing The details will be as follows.
Profile Picture is the area highlighted in orange is where the user's profile picture is displayed.
Profile Name is highlighted in gray is the user's profile name.
Message is section showing messages from users Front letters are unread text, thin letters are read text.
Red Dot indicates that the message is new and unread.
Window Message is conversation details box and can interact with users The text on the left will be from the user side. On the right side are messages from bots and agents.
Tip: When an agent talks directly to a user, a Done button will appear for them to press. When the conversation with the user is finished. Will send the user back to talk with the chatbot as before.
Search is a box for searching for old messages that were previously discussed.
Sent is status for sending messages
1. / One line means it sending.
2. // Two lines means it has been sent successfully.Send a message is field for writing messages
1. Image can select images from your computer to send.
2. Intent&Object can select objects and intents from the library to send.
3. Send is button for sending a message
4. Send and train are when you check this box When you press the Send button, a message will be taught in the Trained section of Chitchat.
Right Channel is the field shows various details about the user. You can add tags, notes, or edit the user's personal information. And you can switch the mode to let the agent answer or switch back to the chatbot answering as well.
Profile Name is the top section shows the user's profile name.
Status is this section shows the status in which mode. which can be pressed to switch between chatbot mode or mode officer
Profile is section for displaying user information Staff can edit this information by pressing the pencil icon in the top right.
Tag can add tags to be labeled or status available to users By pressing the Add button.
. When you press Add, a window will appear. You can type the name of the tag to add in the Find or Create a new tag box and press Add. When the tag is checked, it will be blue, meaning it has been successfully tagged. Tags that are not selected will be white.
. Note: You can add text notes. The record will have details. Name of recorder and the recording date is displayed
When you click on the saved record. Will be able to edit or delete records.
Image Shows images that users have previously sent.
Live Chat Setting
For additional settings for various Live Chat functions.
Switch To Agent can be set to switch to officer mode. When the conditions set are met.
Switch to an agent mode by these Intents can be included. When a user greets the bot with the phrase that is taught in the intent, the user will immediately switch to agent mode.
Switch to an agent mode when the bot reply Default Fallback can enter the number of times. When users greet the bot Then the bot responds to the user with the Default Fallbak Response that was set. When will the number of times be reached? The user will be switched to Officer Mode immediately.
Switch To Bot can be set to switch to chatbot mode. When the conditions set are met.
Switch to bot mode by these Intent an Intent can be inserted. When a user greets you while stuck in Agent Mode with the phrase taught in the Intent, the user will be immediately switched back to Chatbot Mode.
Switch to an bot mode affter agent reply last message a time can be set for the user to switch back to chatbot mode. When the final message is sent after the specified time.
Business Hours able to determine what will happen when a user asks to contact staff outside of working hours. You can switch to chatbot mode to continue chatting with the bot. or send it to the mode official To wait for officials to answer the next day.
Out of business hours mode schedule your chatbot to work during off-hours.
Configure buisness hours section is used for setting your opening hours and days. You can press Add more to add opening hours and days.
Take this action is part defines the work of the chatbot and what it will do. When users message us and ask to contact staff outside of working hours.
1.1) Switch to Bot is switch to chatbot mode to continue chatting with the bot.
1.2) Hold the Agent is send to staff mode To wait for officials to answer the next day.Send this message is set the message you can reply to.
Email notification can add email recipients When someone greets you After-hours staff There will be a message from the user sent to the email.
A page for bot administrators to manage various settings such as profiles, chatbots, connections, access permissions, and more.
a. "My account" for logging out of the system.
a. "Chatbot Profile" page for managing the profile settings of the chatbot.
a. "Edit chatbot profile" can be clicked to edit the chatbot's profile information.
b."Delete chatbot" can be clicked to delete the chatbot.
a. "Connection" can be clicked to connect the chatbot to various channels such as Line and Facebook.
a. "Facebook Messenger" can be clicked to access "Messenger settings" and connect with your Facebook Page.
b.LINE offers two connection methods, which are:
a. "LINE modular setting" can be used to easily connect with LINE Official Account (OA) without complexity.
b. "LINE manual setting" allows you to connect with LINE Official Account (OA) in a more complex manner compared to the easy method.
Tip: When connecting using LINE manual setting, you can configure the use of rich menus with toggling capabilities. This is not possible when using LINE modular setting.
Tip: When the connection is successfully established, the indicator light will turn green, as shown in the example in the image above, and it will display the word "Connected."
Tip: The button on the right-hand side is a toggle button used to turn the chatbot on or off. When it's turned off, the button will be gray, and the chatbot will not respond to messages. When it's turned on, the button will be blue, and the chatbot will respond to messages as usual.
a. "Shared permissions" displays a list of users to whom you have shared permission to work together with the chatbot.
a. "Edit" can be clicked to edit the access rights of users for different sections (pencil icon).
b."Delete" can be clicked to delete users whom you have shared permissions with (trash can icon).
c."Add new user" can be clicked to add new users who can work together with you.
Tip: A blue icon indicates that the user has accepted the shared bot invitation, logged in, and is now using it successfully.
a. Enter email is fields for entering information for the people with whom we want to share the chatbot.
b. Permission can specify who you want the chatbot to be shared with. Can you access specific parts.
Table of Symbols
Symbols Name
Retrieve Parameter
นำข้อความที่ส่งเข้ามาจัดเก็บในตัวแปร temporary
Replace Parameter
แสดงข้อมูลที่เก็บไว้ในตัวแปร temporary
Set Parameter
นำข้อความที่อยู่ด้านหลัง | ไปเเก็บไว้ในตัวแปรที่อยู่ด้านหน้า ดังตัวอย่างคือ นำคำว่า hello ไปเก็บไว้ในตัวแปร greeting
Intent Parameter
แสดงคำตอบ (Bot Response) ที่กำหนดไว้ใน intent ชื่อ farewell
Math Parameter
นำข้อมูลรูปแบบตัวเลขมาทำการคำนวณและแสดงผล (เรียกใช้ formula fucntion)
Bubble Group Break
Mapping Pattern
นำข้อความด้านใน Get Mapping Msg ไปหาคำตอบและนำข้อความที่ได้มาแทนสัญลักษณ์โดยแต่ละbubble จะคั่นด้วยรูปแบบที่เป็นผลลัพธ์จะเป็นคำตอบของ intent ที่ตรงกับข้อความ HELLO
Get Intent Pattern
นำข้อความในตัว Get Intent ไปหา intent ที่ตรงกับข้อความ HI
Postback Fillter Pattern
ทำงานเฉพาะใน postback เมื่อได้รับข้อความที่เป็น postback จะเอา regex [[.*]] ไปค้นหาข้อความที่ตรงกันและเปลี่ยนข้อความที่ postback เข้ามาเป็นข้อความที่ตรงกัน
Our New Service
AI Voice Bot
AI Voice Bot
Minimize Call Center task
Minimize Call Center task
Our AI Chatbot provides 24/7 voice support, reducing workloads and ensuring quick, accurate responses.
Dashboard is a summary of chatbot usage statistics, which will include.
Date range can choose to view data in 3 time ranges, which are:
7 day - Weekly statistics, with a percentage comparison to the statistics of the previous 7 days.
30 day - Monthly statistics, with a percentage comparison to the statistics of the previous 30 days.
365 day - Yearly statistics, with a percentage comparison to the statistics of the previous 365 days.
Total Users is the statistics of the total number of users since the chatbot was activated.
Tip: The percentage % represents a comparison with the previous time period according to the selected time range (7 days ago, 30 days ago, 365 days ago).
Total Messages is the statistics of the total number of messages that the chatbot has responded to since it was activated.
Active Users is the statistics of the number of people who have used the chatbot exclusively within the selected time range, divided into
New User is a user who comes to use the chatbot for the first time.
User Retention are users who have come to talk with the chatbot and come back to use it again.
Incoming Message is the number of messages that users send to chat with the bot, divided into
Responded Messages is the number of messages that the chatbot can respond to.
Non Responded Messages is the number of messages that the chatbot cannot respond to. (Default Fallback)
Agent Call Messages is the number of messages where users want to talk to an agent.
User Statistics is the statistics of the number of chatbot users presented in graph format.
Total Intents is the total count of times when an intent is invoked to respond to users.
The intent table displays a list of intents that have been called to respond. They will be sorted in descending order by frequency, and results will be shown 5 intents per page.
Intent name is the name intent
Total is the number of times the intent has been invoked to respond.
Ratio is the percentage proportion that the intent has been called compared to the total number of intent calls.
Train Bot
Train Bot is an important component in building chatbots because it is the part used to configure the bot's responses to user questions, allowing them to interact. The components of the Intent list are as follows.
Search Intent is used to search for the Intent, Phrase, and Response configurations you want to set up.
Sort is used to arrange Intents in alphabetical (a-z) or chronological (oldest to newest) order.
Default Fallback displays all of the user's messages that the bot doesn't understand when the confidence level of those messages is lower than the configured threshold.
Here's how you can configure the Default Fallback:
a. Bot Response is the configuration for the responses you want the bot to provide when it doesn't understand a user's input, typically when the system detects a confidence percentage below the configured threshold. This allows you to define how the bot should reply when it encounters uncertain or ambiguous user messages.
b. Confident refers to the confidence threshold that determines when the bot should respond to user inputs. It represents the level of certainty the bot needs in order to provide a response. Generally, a higher confidence threshold, closer to 100%, means that the bot will respond only when it's very confident that the user's input closely matches the information it has been trained on. In other words, users would need to provide inputs that are highly accurate and closely aligned with the bot's training data to trigger a response when a high confidence threshold is set.
Example Default Message is 'Sorry I don't understand,' and the Default Confidence Threshold is set to 65%.
The configuration of Bot Response is set to "Sorry I don't understand," and the Confidence Threshold is set at 65%. This means that when a user's message has a confidence level greater than 65%, the bot will respond with the Bot Response associated with the specific Intent in which the bot is confident. However, when the user's message has a confidence level less than 65%, the bot will respond with the Bot Response "Sorry I don't understand" that we have set in the Default Fallback.
Chitchat is the mode for casual conversation used to train the bot with one-on-one question and answer interactions. This is because sometimes the text input can be very specific, making it challenging to categorize sentences into specific Intents. For example, if someone asks, "Do you want to live on Mars?" there's no need to create a separate Intent for it. Instead, you can directly instruct the chatbot to respond with "Do you want to go together?"
For training the bot in the Chitchat section, go to the "Trained" section, where you can teach the bot in two different modes together.
a. Train In this "Train" mode, the system will prompt questions from the "Untrained" section below. You can teach the bot by entering the desired response in the "Enter Bot Response" field and clicking the "Train" button to save the response. Alternatively, you can click the "Skip" button to move on to the next sentence without providing a response.
b. New In the "New" mode, you will need to come up with your own questions. You can enter a question in the "Enter Phrase" field and provide the bot's response in the "Enter Bot Response" field. Then, click the "Train" button to save the response. This mode allows you to create custom question-answer pairs for training the bot.
Intent (IN) is used to create categories for teaching messages with the same meaning but different wording together, making it easier to manage. For example, an Intent named "Greetings" would collect various greeting phrases such as "Hello," "Hi there," "Hey," and "Good morning." You can group these different phrases together and create a set of responses for this group, simplifying management tasks all in one place.
a. +New button is used to create a new set of Intents.
b. Intent Name field is where you can specify the name for your Intent.
Tip: New Intents that you create will be displayed in the "My Intents" list below.
Tip: You can delete an Intent by checking the box next to the Intent's name, and then the system will display a delete button for you to press. Click the Delete button to proceed with the deletion, or you can delete all Intents at once by checking the box next to "All" and then pressing the Delete button.
For teaching a bot, the section on Intent is divided into two main parts: teaching the bot to understand the purpose of the messages sent by users (Expected Phrase) and teaching the bot to respond to questions in line with that purpose (Bot Response).
c. For teaching the bot to understand the purpose of the messages sent by users (Expected Phrase), you can do so using two methods:
a. In the "Trained" section, you can type the text that you anticipate users will inquire about into the "Enter Phrase" box, and then press the "Train" button to save it.
Tip: You can edit the text in the "Trained" section by clicking on the pencil icon next to the text.
Tip: You can also drag and drop the text from the "Trained" section into other Intents listed in "My Intent" on the left-hand side.
Tip: You can delete data in the "Trained" section by clicking on the text phrase you want to delete and then pressing the "Delete" button. Alternatively, you can delete all trained data by clicking on the "Delete Trained" button on the left.
a. In the "Untrained" section, if the text entered by users doesn't match what you've previously trained (with confidence less than 100%) but has confidence higher than what's set in the Default Message settings, those messages will be displayed in the "Untrained" section. You can click on the plus icon to teach the bot, and the trained messages will move to the "Trained" section above.
Tip: On the "Untrained" page, you can drag and drop those text phrases into other Intents listed in "My Intent" on the left-hand side or into the "Trained" section at the top.
Tip: You can teach the bot multiple words at once by clicking on the text phrase you want to teach and then pressing the "Add" button. This will allow you to teach multiple words in a single teaching session.
Tip: You can delete data in the "Untrained" section by clicking on the text phrase you want to delete and then pressing the "Delete" button. Alternatively, you can delete all untrained data by clicking on the "Delete Untrained" button on the left.
d.Bot Response for managing bot responses, where the bot's responses can take multiple formats.
a. +New Button for creating sets of chatbot responses.
b. Response A set of chatbot responses can be created in multiple formats.
Existing objects: Selecting responses in the form of Objects or Intents from the media library that has been previously created.
Text: Responding in text format or as plain text.
Image: Responding in image format.
Carousel: Responding in the format of a rotating carousel with images and buttons.
Button: Responding in the format of Quick Reply buttons: responding with message buttons that can be clicked once. Flex Message: responding in a format that can be customized by us. Custom Payload: responding in a format that we can customize ourselves.
Tip: If you want to delete a set of responses, check the box in front of the response set name, and the system will display a delete button for you to press. To delete all response sets, check the "All" box and then press the "Delete" button.
Tip: If you want to enable or disable the use of a set of responses, check the box in front of the response set name. The system will display an "Enable/Disable" button for you to click. Click it once to toggle between enabling (text color will be bold) and disabling (text color will be faded). When disabled, the bot will not use this set of responses to respond to users. To use the response set again, check the box in front of the response set name and click the "Enable/Disable" button once more.
e. Import Adding data through Excel is suitable for managing a large volume of data efficiently.
You can "Download Template" that is provided to edit the data immediately. There are three types available in total.
a. Download the "Intent-Phrase Template" for managing the groups of questions for each Intent.
a. Intent It refers to the field where you can input the name of the Intent.
b. Phrase is the field where you can enter the words or sentences associated with that specific Intent.
b. Download the "Intent-Response Template" for managing groups of responses for each Intent.
a. Intent refers to the field where you can input the name of the Intent.
b. Response is the field where you can enter the responses or sentences you want the bot to provide for that specific Intent.
c. Download the "Chitchat-Response Template" for managing groups of questions and responses for chitchat conversations.
a. "Phrase" is the field where you can enter the questions or sentences that you anticipate users will type or input.
b. "Response" is the field where you can enter the responses or sentences you want the bot to provide for that specific Phrase.
Tip: The headers of the columns in the template must not be changed.
f. Export to export the trained data in Excel format.
a. You can specify a date range for the data you want to export.
a. Starting-Present: You can select a date range from the beginning up to the present.
b. Select a date range: You can choose a specific time range.
b. Type you can select the specific data you want to export, specifying which parts or sections you'd like to include.
a. Trained: The data in the "Trained" section.
b. Untrained: The data in the "Untrained" section.
c. Categories You can choose the data type you want to export.
c. All: All data types.
a. Chitchat: Only Chitchat data.
b. Default Message: Only Default Message data.
c. Intent: Only Intent data.
d. Tip: You can select and export specific data simultaneously.
It is a group of various words that are categorized together, or they are words that have the same meaning (the Entity feature will be used in Object Dialogue).
a. New Entities - Button for creating sets of entities.
b. Entities Name - Field for naming entities.
c. Click the button (+Add Phrase).
d. Confident - Field for setting the confidence level of entities.
Tip: You can delete data in Trained by clicking on the phrase text you want to delete and pressing the Delete button to remove it.
Tip: You can delete entities by checking the box in front of the entity name. Then, the system will display a delete button for you to click. Press the Delete button to remove it. Alternatively, you can select and delete all entities at once by checking the 'All' box, then clicking the Delete button.
Normally, general chatbots respond in a 1:1 question-answer format. However, Dialogue is another response format that can engage in continuous conversations. In this format, you can both define the format of questions and answers and the flow of the conversation. You can also collect user response data to use in connecting with other systems.
Components of the Object (Dialogue Flow) page
The Object Dialogue page has six main components
Add a button to create a Dialogue page.
Delete button for deleting Dialogue (trash can icon).
Import/Export buttons for importing and exporting dialogue files.
Edit button for editing dialogue (pencil icon).
Duplicate button for copying dialogue (stacked paper icon).
Search - Field for searching dialogue names.
Components of the creation page dialogue
Object Name - Field for naming the Dialogue.
Zoom In - Button for enlarging the workspace view (plus magnifying glass icon).
Zoom Out - Button for reducing the workspace view (minus magnifying glass icon).
Home - Button to return to the starting point of the flow (house icon).
Save - Button for saving the Dialogue.
Components of a Node.
"Node" refers to a way of indicating the sequence of text boxes or messages that a chatbot will use to respond to a user. These text boxes or messages are typically numbered sequentially, starting from 1 and continuing in order. Each node represents a step or a part of the conversation, allowing the chatbot to provide responses in a structured and sequential manner.
Command - A field used to input text or objects for the chatbot's responses.
Duplicate (stacked paper icon) is a function used to copy the Command.
Delete (trash can icon) is a function used to delete the Command.
Enter message - A field for inputting the text you want the chatbot to respond with. You can also input emojis, parameter <..>, Object
Parameter <..> - This function is used for storing and displaying the values of variables. 'Use parameter' is a way to display the variable's value, while 'Add parameter' is used for storing the variable's value.
a. Add parameter - You can add variables to store data from this section. The variables added here will be displayed in the Parameter section and can be reused.
The format of data storage variables will be enclosed with <variable name>, for example, when called, it will store data such as names, etc. - 'Use parameter' allows you to use the variables added from this section. This function is used to display the data stored in the variables, with the added variables appearing in the Parameter section. There are system default variables that can be used directly and are located in Global parameter. You can use them immediately. The format of data storage variables will be enclosed with <<variable name>>, for example, <<name>>, when called, it will display the stored name, and so on.
Additional Parameter Usage.
Add Parameter - An example of creating variables to store data.
Click on the <..> icon to open the parameter creation window.
Click on the 'Add parameter' tab, enter the variable name you want in the field, and then click 'Add'.
Creating a normal variable will look like the picture above, with a <variable name> sign covering the variable name.
Use Parameter - An example of how to access data stored in variables.
Retrieving the data stored in a variable adds a <<variable name>> symbol around the variable name.
Value Parametor Example of assigning values to variables.
When creating regular variables, they will be displayed in the format on the left, enclosed with <variable name>.
To assign values to variables, we edit the text to the format on the right, as shown in the image. This format will look like <!variable_name|variable_value!>.
Formula Parameter - Using variables in mathematical calculations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
We can use the values of our variables for calculations as shown in the figure. An example demonstrates the formula format <!variable_name|<$<<variable_name>>/<<variable_name>>$>!>
In this example, it's taking the value in the 'tall' variable and dividing it by the value in the 'weight' variable, then storing the result in the 'sum' variable <!........|....!> = Assigning a value to the variable <$……$> = Using the calculation function in the formula.
Add more command - You can increase the number of commands.
Tip: The added command list will respond in cases where the user's response doesn't match the set conditions and is still within the conversation flow.
If the response doesn't match any, it's the slot for the message that the bot will respond with in the event the user responds inaccurately and ends the conversation or exits the Flow conversation.
Setting has four main components as follows:
Set start point - To establish the starting point of the flow, indicating from which Node the process should begin.
Duplicate - For copying a node.
Time out - For setting up the flow when the user doesn't respond within the specified time.
Remove - For deleting a node.
"Next step" function to add or connect to the next condition to create conditions for the chatbot to work in the next step. There are four types of conditions that can be defined.
component of Condition
Condition Section for creating or setting conditions that allow the chatbot to work in the next step according to the configured settings.
"Entities" as a way to establish conditions based on words, sentences, or groups of words. If a user types text that matches what you've defined, the chatbot can proceed to the next step.
Usage - You can choose from.
Entities that we've created can be used by clicking on the icon (depicted as an elephant) or by typing text into the 'Select Entities or Enter Phrase' field. You can also save them as new entities by clicking on the 'Save Entities' button. A window will appear where you can enter a name, adjust conditions, and click the 'Save' button to save it for future use.
Intent - Capturing the intention of the words or sentences from the user, as previously trained, on the 'Train Bot' page.
Usage - You can select from the Intents that we've already created by clicking on the elephant icon.
"RegEx or Regular Expressions is a way to define patterns or groups of words for the purpose of searching for various texts according to our needs. It can be used to search for both ordinary characters or specific patterns, allowing us to search for specific content. For example, if we want the user to respond with numbers, such as a phone number or a national identification number, RegEx can be used.
Usage - You can select the format of RegEx from the list of options that we have prepared, or
"Character" Receive all text characters.
"Email" captures text in email format.
"Phone Number" captures text in phone number format.
"License Plate" captures text in license plate format.
"Date Format" captures text in date format.
"Custom" allows you to write or define your own RegEx pattern.
Match is setting conditions based on the number of values stored in that parameter. If it is equal to or greater than the specified number of values, events will occur in the subsequent flow that we have created.
The text "<>" is a placeholder used to indicate where to specify the name of a parameter.
The middle field is for us to select a symbol to indicate the condition of the values in our parameter, such as =, !=, <, >, <=, >=.
"Value number" is referring to a field or input box where you can enter the numerical value for the parameter
Image (IMG)
Image (IMG) is the bot's response in the form of images.
Page components Image
The Object Image page has 6 main components, which are
Add button for adding an Image
Delete button for deleting an Image (trash can icon)
Import/Export button for importing and exporting Image files
Edit button for editing an Image (pencil icon)
Duplicate button for copying an Image (stacked paper icon)
Search box for searching Image name
Components of the creation page Image
Object Name Field for entering the name of the Object Image
URL Field for entering the web link of the image to be used, must be in https format.
Upload Field for uploading an image from your computer to store it in the system.
Image Recommendations and Limitations
a. Recommended size: 900*900px
b. Minimum size: 450*450px
Carousel (CRS)
Carousel (CRS) is the bot's response in the form of a Card that includes an image and text, with buttons that can be clicked to view additional information. It can respond as either text or an Object.
Page components Carousel
The Object Carousel page has 6 main components, which are:
Add button for adding a Carousel
Delete button for deleting a Carousel (trash can icon)
Import/Export button for importing and exporting Carousel files
Import/Export button for importing and exporting Carousel files
Duplicate button for copying a Carousel (stacked paper icon)
Search box for searching Carousel names
Elements on the creation page Carousel .
Field for entering the name of the Object Carousel.
Add button to add additional Carousel cards (plus icon +).
Tip: You can add a maximum of 10 cards.
Tip: You can click on the image icon to drag and rearrange the positions of Carousel cards.
a. Duplicate for duplicating Carousel cards (stacked paper icon).
b. Delete for deleting Carousel cards (trash can icon).
c. URL for entering the web link of the image to be used, must be in https.
d. Upload for uploading an image from your computer to store it in the system.
e. Enter title field for entering the title of the Carousel.
f. Enter description Field for entering the description of the Carousel.
g. Add button Field for adding buttons to the Carousel, with the ability to add up to 3 buttons.
a. Button Label Field for setting the button label.
b. Button Type Dropdown to select the button type, with 3 options:
1. Message for creating a regular text button.
2. Phone for creating a phone number button.
3. URL for creating a website link button.
c. Message Field for entering the message that the bot will respond with, and the content will vary based on the selected button type.
Recommendations and Limitations of Carousel
Maximum number of cards that can be created: 10 cards
Recommended image size: For Facebook - 1200px * 1200px, For Line - 976px * 648px
Title: Maximum 40 characters
Description: Maximum 60 characters
Maximum number of buttons that can be added: 3 buttons
Button types: There are 3 types (Text, Phone, URL)
Button label: Maximum 20 characters
Tip: When creating cards from the 2nd to the 10th card, it is necessary to create the same number of buttons as in the 1st card.
Button (BTN)
Button (BTN) is the bot's response in the form of clickable buttons, which remain on the screen after being clicked.
Page components Carousel
The Object Button page has 6 main components, which are:
Add button for adding a Button
Delete button for deleting a Button (trash can icon)
Import/Export button for importing and exporting Button files
Edit button for editing a Button (pencil icon)
Duplicate button for copying a Button (stacked paper icon)
Search box for searching Button names
Components of the creation page Button
Object Name Field for entering the name of the Object Button.
Enter title Field for entering the title of the Button.
Add button Field for adding buttons to the Button, with the ability to add up to 3 buttons.
a. Button Label for setting the button name
b. Button Type selection has 3 options
1. Message to create a button that is plain text
2. Phone to create a button that is a phone number
3. URL to create a button that is a website link
c. Message to enter the text that the bot will respond with, it will vary depending on the type of button we choose
Button Tips and Limitations
Title: Maximum of 160 characters.
Maximum number of buttons: 3 buttons.
Button types: There are 3 types (text, phone number, URL).
Button label: Maximum of 20 characters.
Quick Reply (QRP)
Quick Reply (QRP) is the bot's response in the form of Choices, which are buttons. When you click on one of the buttons, the Quick Reply disappears
Page components Quick Reply
The Object Quick Reply page has 6 main components:
Add button to add a new Quick Reply.
Delete button to delete a Quick Reply (trash can icon).
Import/Export Buttons for importing and exporting Quick Replies.
Edit button to edit a Quick Reply (pencil icon).
Duplicate button to duplicate a Quick Reply (stacked paper icon).
Search search field to search for Quick Replies by name.
Components of the creation page Quick Reply
a. Object Name: A field for entering the name of the Object Quick Reply.
b. Enter quick reply title: A field for entering the title or name of the Quick Reply.
c. Add button: A field for adding buttons to the Quick Reply, with the ability to add up to 13 buttons.
Flex Message (FX)
Flex Message is a flexible format for responding to questions that can be designed freely. In a Flex message, you can include buttons, icons, images, text, and more. Additionally, you can create actions from buttons, images, and text.
Tip: Flex-style objects are designed to be displayed exclusively on a single line.
The components of a page Flex
The Object Flex page has six main components
Add Flex Button
Delete Flex Button (Trash Can Icon)
Import/Export Flex Button
Edit Flex Button (Pencil Icon)
Duplicate Flex Button (Paper Stack Icon)
Search Flex Name Field
Flex page components
Object Name: A field for entering the name of the Flex Object.
Go to Flex Simulator: A link to go to the platform page used to create Flex.
Field: An empty space for pasting the JSON code of the Flex.
Flex Recommendations and Limitations
Custom Payload (FX)
is a flexible question response format that can be designed freely.
Page components Custom Payload
The Object Custom Payload page consists of 6 main components, namely:
Add button for adding Custom Payload.
Delete button for deleting Custom Payload (trash can icon).
Import/Export button for importing or exporting Custom Payload files.
Edit button for editing Custom Payload (pencil icon).
Duplicate button for copying Custom Payload (stacked paper icon).
Search field for searching Custom Payload by name.
page creation components Custom Payload
Object Name: Field for entering the name of the Object Custom Payload.
Dropdown: For selecting the type of Custom Payload, whether it's for LINE or Facebook.
Field: Empty space for pasting the JSON code of the Custom Payload.
Instructions and limitations Custom Payload
Rich Menu (RM)
The quick reply menu in the chat room allows you to configure responses when selecting menu items according to your preferences, which can be web links, text, or different intents.
Tip: Rich Menus are supported for display on LINE only.
Page components Rich Menu
The Object Rich Menu page has 6 main components:
Add button for adding Rich Menu
Delete button (trash can icon) for removing Rich Menu
Import/Export button for importing and exporting Rich Menu files
Edit button (pencil icon) for making changes to Rich Menu
Duplicate button (stacked paper icon) for creating a copy of Rich Menu
Search bar for finding Rich Menus by name
Page components Create Rich Menu
Object Name field for entering the name of the Object Rich Menu.
Select Type for selecting the type of Rich menu whether it is small or large.
Columns Add columns for specifying positions in the Rich menu.
Rows Add rows for specifying positions in the Rich menu.
Rich Menu Image: Area for uploading images of Rich menu.
Setting for setting the functionality of the Rich menu.
a. Set as main rich menu Set as main rich menu when opening LINE.
b. Set as auto show Set to show Rich menu immediately when opening Line.
Click Action for setting the work of each Rich menu position in Created columns and rows, with 4 types of work settings possible.
a. Text Sent as a message when the user presses to the specified area.
b. URL opens the website when the user clicks on the specified area.
c. Object is displayed as Object when the user clicks on the specified area.
d. Intent is displayed as the response from the Intent when the user clicks on the specified area.
Instructions and limitations Rich Menu
Supported file formats: png, jpg, jpeg
File size: Not exceeding 1 MB
Supported image sizes: 2500x1686, 2500x843, 1200x810, 1200x405, 800x540, 800x270 pixels
Website for creating Rich Menu:
Admin Page for Managing User Chat with the Ability to Insert Conversations between the Bot and Users at Any Time.
API page components
The Object Custom Payload page has six main components
Add button for adding API
Delete button for deleting the API (trash can icon)
Import/Export Buttons for importing and exporting API files
Edit button for editing the API (pencil icon)
Duplicate API copy button (overlapping pieces of paper icon)
Search box for searching for the API name.
API page components
Object Name: Field for entering the name of the Object API.
Method field for selecting the API type.
a. GET
b. POST will have a body section where you can enter the code.
URL field for pasting the API URL link.
Add Header for adding the API Header if you want to use it.
a. Header: Field for entering Header values.
b. Value: Field for entering Value.
A page for bot admins to manage chats from users.
You can interrupt the conversation between the bot and the user at any time.
Components of the Live Chat page
Bot/Agent can press toggle to view incoming messages.
Bot is the message that the user is currently talking to the bot about.
Agent is a message that has Agent status because the user wants to talk to an agent.
Search is field for searching for the user's name
Filter is the section for setting up message filtering consists of:
Channel is the filter section shows the type of message that comes from which channel.
Message Status for filtering to show what type of message it is.
All is choose to display messages from all users.
Read is Choose to show only messages from users who have read them.
Unread is Choose to show only messages from users who have not yet read them.
Block is choose to show only messages from blocked users.
Tag is select to display only messages from selected tagged users.
Inbox Message is list of messages the user is currently discussing The details will be as follows.
Profile Picture is the area highlighted in orange is where the user's profile picture is displayed.
Profile Name is highlighted in gray is the user's profile name.
Message is section showing messages from users Front letters are unread text, thin letters are read text.
Red Dot indicates that the message is new and unread.
Window Message is conversation details box and can interact with users The text on the left will be from the user side. On the right side are messages from bots and agents.
Tip: When an agent talks directly to a user, a Done button will appear for them to press. When the conversation with the user is finished. Will send the user back to talk with the chatbot as before.
Search is a box for searching for old messages that were previously discussed.
Sent is status for sending messages
1. / One line means it sending.
2. // Two lines means it has been sent successfully.Send a message is field for writing messages
1. Image can select images from your computer to send.
2. Intent&Object can select objects and intents from the library to send.
3. Send is button for sending a message
4. Send and train are when you check this box When you press the Send button, a message will be taught in the Trained section of Chitchat.
Right Channel is the field shows various details about the user. You can add tags, notes, or edit the user's personal information. And you can switch the mode to let the agent answer or switch back to the chatbot answering as well.
Profile Name is the top section shows the user's profile name.
Status is this section shows the status in which mode. which can be pressed to switch between chatbot mode or mode officer
Profile is section for displaying user information Staff can edit this information by pressing the pencil icon in the top right.
Tag can add tags to be labeled or status available to users By pressing the Add button.
. When you press Add, a window will appear. You can type the name of the tag to add in the Find or Create a new tag box and press Add. When the tag is checked, it will be blue, meaning it has been successfully tagged. Tags that are not selected will be white.
. Note: You can add text notes. The record will have details. Name of recorder and the recording date is displayed
When you click on the saved record. Will be able to edit or delete records.
Image Shows images that users have previously sent.
Live Chat Setting
For additional settings for various Live Chat functions.
Switch To Agent can be set to switch to officer mode. When the conditions set are met.
Switch to an agent mode by these Intents can be included. When a user greets the bot with the phrase that is taught in the intent, the user will immediately switch to agent mode.
Switch to an agent mode when the bot reply Default Fallback can enter the number of times. When users greet the bot Then the bot responds to the user with the Default Fallbak Response that was set. When will the number of times be reached? The user will be switched to Officer Mode immediately.
Switch To Bot can be set to switch to chatbot mode. When the conditions set are met.
Switch to bot mode by these Intent an Intent can be inserted. When a user greets you while stuck in Agent Mode with the phrase taught in the Intent, the user will be immediately switched back to Chatbot Mode.
Switch to an bot mode affter agent reply last message a time can be set for the user to switch back to chatbot mode. When the final message is sent after the specified time.
Business Hours able to determine what will happen when a user asks to contact staff outside of working hours. You can switch to chatbot mode to continue chatting with the bot. or send it to the mode official To wait for officials to answer the next day.
Out of business hours mode schedule your chatbot to work during off-hours.
Configure buisness hours section is used for setting your opening hours and days. You can press Add more to add opening hours and days.
Take this action is part defines the work of the chatbot and what it will do. When users message us and ask to contact staff outside of working hours.
1.1) Switch to Bot is switch to chatbot mode to continue chatting with the bot.
1.2) Hold the Agent is send to staff mode To wait for officials to answer the next day.Send this message is set the message you can reply to.
Email notification can add email recipients When someone greets you After-hours staff There will be a message from the user sent to the email.
A page for bot administrators to manage various settings such as profiles, chatbots, connections, access permissions, and more.
a. "My account" for logging out of the system.
a. "Chatbot Profile" page for managing the profile settings of the chatbot.
a. "Edit chatbot profile" can be clicked to edit the chatbot's profile information.
b."Delete chatbot" can be clicked to delete the chatbot.
a. "Connection" can be clicked to connect the chatbot to various channels such as Line and Facebook.
a. "Facebook Messenger" can be clicked to access "Messenger settings" and connect with your Facebook Page.
b.LINE offers two connection methods, which are:
a. "LINE modular setting" can be used to easily connect with LINE Official Account (OA) without complexity.
b. "LINE manual setting" allows you to connect with LINE Official Account (OA) in a more complex manner compared to the easy method.
Tip: When connecting using LINE manual setting, you can configure the use of rich menus with toggling capabilities. This is not possible when using LINE modular setting.
Tip: When the connection is successfully established, the indicator light will turn green, as shown in the example in the image above, and it will display the word "Connected."
Tip: The button on the right-hand side is a toggle button used to turn the chatbot on or off. When it's turned off, the button will be gray, and the chatbot will not respond to messages. When it's turned on, the button will be blue, and the chatbot will respond to messages as usual.
a. "Shared permissions" displays a list of users to whom you have shared permission to work together with the chatbot.
a. "Edit" can be clicked to edit the access rights of users for different sections (pencil icon).
b."Delete" can be clicked to delete users whom you have shared permissions with (trash can icon).
c."Add new user" can be clicked to add new users who can work together with you.
Tip: A blue icon indicates that the user has accepted the shared bot invitation, logged in, and is now using it successfully.
a. Enter email is fields for entering information for the people with whom we want to share the chatbot.
b. Permission can specify who you want the chatbot to be shared with. Can you access specific parts.
Table of Symbols
Symbols Name
Retrieve Parameter
นำข้อความที่ส่งเข้ามาจัดเก็บในตัวแปร temporary
Replace Parameter
แสดงข้อมูลที่เก็บไว้ในตัวแปร temporary
Set Parameter
นำข้อความที่อยู่ด้านหลัง | ไปเเก็บไว้ในตัวแปรที่อยู่ด้านหน้า ดังตัวอย่างคือ นำคำว่า hello ไปเก็บไว้ในตัวแปร greeting
Intent Parameter
แสดงคำตอบ (Bot Response) ที่กำหนดไว้ใน intent ชื่อ farewell
Math Parameter
นำข้อมูลรูปแบบตัวเลขมาทำการคำนวณและแสดงผล (เรียกใช้ formula fucntion)
Bubble Group Break
Mapping Pattern
นำข้อความด้านใน Get Mapping Msg ไปหาคำตอบและนำข้อความที่ได้มาแทนสัญลักษณ์โดยแต่ละbubble จะคั่นด้วยรูปแบบที่เป็นผลลัพธ์จะเป็นคำตอบของ intent ที่ตรงกับข้อความ HELLO
Get Intent Pattern
นำข้อความในตัว Get Intent ไปหา intent ที่ตรงกับข้อความ HI
Postback Fillter Pattern
ทำงานเฉพาะใน postback เมื่อได้รับข้อความที่เป็น postback จะเอา regex [[.*]] ไปค้นหาข้อความที่ตรงกันและเปลี่ยนข้อความที่ postback เข้ามาเป็นข้อความที่ตรงกัน