

Data Scientist

Data Scientist

Our Data Scientists have diverse skills, ranging from recent graduates to C-Level executives, ready to adapt to the work environment and work on various projects, both short-term and long-term.

Our Data Scientists have diverse skills, ranging from recent graduates to C-Level executives, ready to adapt to the work environment and work on various projects, both short-term and long-term.


Projects that use our services


Projects that use service with us

Join us

Join our courses on various topics. From data science to computer vision and learn the basics and tools you need.

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Online Classroom

Join our cutting-edge courses in various subjects from data science to computer vision, and learn the fundamentals and tools you need to start your data scientist career.

Internship Program

Experience real hands-on data science internship at a leading partner company in our industry and discover what being a data scientist is all about.

Real-world Applications

Experience real-world data science by managing data in the real world and solving real problems using real data insights. We provide quality data and assign tasks to our students.

Community Experience

Access the largest data science and learning community in Southeast Asia and connect with data scientists across the region


Interns at our company come with a strong foundation in Data Science, filled with potential for your business's personnel or workforce. At this level, trainees will grasp fundamental concepts such as data analysis and predictive modeling, as well as customer segmentation and trend forecasting. They may not have extensive experience, but they are eager to enhance their skills. With guidance, trainees can develop rapidly.


Data Analytics


Predictive Models



Data scientists with months of real-world experience and the ability to work with various data on their own. Build your data science team around them as the key component! Juniors can work with secondary data independently, such as copying or assembling data, pre-processing data, extracting feature data, and selecting/evaluating models. They can adapt basic models and APIs with some guidance.


Scrape Data

Pre-Process Data

Feature Extraction

Model Selection


Model Deployment


Data Scientist with 2-3 years of experience and able to define use cases and build business solutions. It can work independently and is ready for immediate use. Data scientists can perform complex tasks independently. with core skills such as customer segmentation or fraud detection They have the ability to predict trends and deploy trend models as needed. They have experience with machine learning models. and can apply computer vision models such as image recognition.


Customer Segmentation

Fraud Detection



Propensity Model

Image Recognition


Data scientist with more than 5 years of experience and strong in all areas of data science. They can work at a management level and can easily lead a team of data scientists on their own. Seniors are the data scientists who can transform your organization. By not only using data skills But it also includes leadership. They will be able to take care of data science consulting. Formulate a business plan using data and can lead their own team The senior has many years of experience in data science. And they can be used to create maximum impact for you.


Team Management

Computer Vision

Machine Learning

Data Engineering



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Together, We Build the Future.