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How can we help you?

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How can we help you?


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Can I cancel the add-on package at any time?

Our packages are typically available for one-time purchases and have a specific duration. Once the package expires, you can purchase a new one through the website.

Therefore, if you wish to cancel the add-on package, you can simply let it expire at the end of the billing cycle without further action.

You can always go to your profile page to view the details of the package you're subscribed to.

  1. Select my account

Sidebar menu displaying options: My Account, Mailbox with a notification badge, My Packages, Record Voice, Invite Friends, Redeem Coupon, and a highlighted Logout button.
  1. Click "My packages" to view package details and expiration date.

Dashboard page showing 'My packages' section with a 'No Ads' package card for members. It shows an expiration date, a 'Only 315 days left' message in red, and a 'Buy now' button.

Can I cancel the add-on package at any time?

Our packages are typically available for one-time purchases and have a specific duration. Once the package expires, you can purchase a new one through the website.

Therefore, if you wish to cancel the add-on package, you can simply let it expire at the end of the billing cycle without further action.

You can always go to your profile page to view the details of the package you're subscribed to.

  1. Select my account

Sidebar menu displaying options: My Account, Mailbox with a notification badge, My Packages, Record Voice, Invite Friends, Redeem Coupon, and a highlighted Logout button.
  1. Click "My packages" to view package details and expiration date.

Dashboard page showing 'My packages' section with a 'No Ads' package card for members. It shows an expiration date, a 'Only 315 days left' message in red, and a 'Buy now' button.

Can I cancel the add-on package at any time?

Our packages are typically available for one-time purchases and have a specific duration. Once the package expires, you can purchase a new one through the website.

Therefore, if you wish to cancel the add-on package, you can simply let it expire at the end of the billing cycle without further action.

You can always go to your profile page to view the details of the package you're subscribed to.

  1. Select my account

Sidebar menu displaying options: My Account, Mailbox with a notification badge, My Packages, Record Voice, Invite Friends, Redeem Coupon, and a highlighted Logout button.
  1. Click "My packages" to view package details and expiration date.

Dashboard page showing 'My packages' section with a 'No Ads' package card for members. It shows an expiration date, a 'Only 315 days left' message in red, and a 'Buy now' button.

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