

Feb 14, 2024

What is Text-To-Speech (TTS)?

What is Text-To-Speech (TTS)?

Text to Speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology used to read out text that users input, with a sound that closely resembles human speech.It is often abbreviated as TTS.

How can we use synthetic voices in our daily life?

Botnoi Group must say that this technology has been around for a long time and has become more popular in our daily life. Many people might not notice or realize that this is Text to speech technology. If we give examples of its everyday use, many people will likely understand and immediately get the picture

  • Google Maps

Voice navigation technology, like Google's GPS. If you press the speaker icon while opening the navigation, there's a voice that might say, 'In 200 meters, turn left,' or 'Head east.' This technology is called text-to-speech because if Google had to record individual voices for every journey around the world, it would not be easy.

  • Siri

A more obvious example is Siri, a virtual assistant developed by Apple. Siri uses this system to convert textual responses for iOS users into audio."

  • Google translate

In addition to Google Maps, there's a popular “translate” tool, and we suppose that many people have used it. So, which part of Google Translate uses speech to text technology? The answer is the part that listens to the text we want to translate or listens to the translated text. Besides helping us understand how it's pronounced, it's also an important assistant when traveling!

How do we convert Text-To-Speech?

Text to speech (TTS) technology receives text input from users, then analyzes how the given sentence should be read, and creates a synthetic speech to read that sentence.Currently, TTS technology is widely used and can be applied in various ways, such as for pronounce translation in language translation programs, reading news or books, creating instructional materials , and for developing audio systems to assist the visually impaired, etc.

How do we convert Text-To-Speech-en-image

1. Analyze the Text

The system analyzes the input text into basic components, breaking our sentences into smaller parts, like words and phrases, making it easier to process them in the next step of AI voice synthesis.

2. Process the Text

After the analysis, the next step in the processing. The system takes the segmented text and converts it into small sound units called "phonemes," which are the smallest units of sound in spoken language.

3.The Voice Synthesis Step

    Phonemes are then used to create speech from text using Text to Speech technology. fine-tuning the voice to make it as natural and human-like as possible (natural-sounding voices), including emphasis, intonation, and timing, like pauses.

4.Output in AI voice format

Finally, this step is where the person or persons who entered the text can hear the sound of the text (Sound of Text) that we have processed, output in the voice we selected.

What can AI voices be used for?

   Today, Botnoi would like to present some ideas for creating synthetic voices or AI voices,whether it's converting to a female voice or a male voice.We've compiled 5 examples for you. If you'd like to see all the examples that Botnoi has collected, you can check them out here: (https://voice.botnoi.ai/media). to get additional ideas or other approaches!

1. For Teachers: Creating instructional materials

    Teachers who have limited time and spend their voices teaching students all day, but still need to create instructional materials after work to prepare for the next day's classes, Botnoi Voice aims to be a supportive option for all teachers in creating high-quality instructional materials. There are plenty of ideas for creating instructional materials, such as making language-teaching videos, whether it's in English or Chinese. 

Here, we offer support for more than 8 languages and over 80 voices for teachers to use without limits.

    Special promotion exclusively for teachers. Claim your offer at: BotnoiVoiceXTeachers

2. For dancers: create remix tracks

Tiktok : Those who enjoy using TikTok Applications can also use Botnoi's voice to create content. Previously, some children used AI voices to create content as well.

3. For voice actors : narrate and chat without straining your voice.

Youtube : If you're not a dancer but enjoy watching and are a top reviewer, or if you'd like to be a voice actor but aren’t very confident in your voice, today, text-to-speech technology can help solve those issues. You can create a voice from text to tell ghost stories, tell audiobooks, narrate audiobooks, or even make money, all with minimal time and cost.

4. For writers : Audiobooks enhance the experience

Enhance your novel by creating an audiobook to offer a better experience.Narrate the stories you've woven into sound from the text. It's convenient for fans who enjoy reading and listening. Expand your market and boost your revenue!

5. For animation enthusiasts : Dubbing cartoon voices

The voices generated by Botnoi Voice can be used for dubbing cartoons. Botnoi Voice website offers a variety of voice options, including female voices, young girl voices, and regional dialects of each area. If you're interested in voices from neighboring languages, we have over 8 languages to choose from, available for use today.

A website for creating synthetic voices from text using AI, developed by a Thai team, can be used in various ways to suit your needs. Whether it's for creating media like advertisements, game streaming, or making presentation slides without recording your own voice. It's now open to everyone. New members receive 500 free points. 

Generate your first text to speech now at : voice.botnoi.ai

Follow Botnoi Voice news: Botnoi Voice - Text To Speech 

Botnoi Voice can now be used with Canva. Read more here and try it now: BotnoixCanva 


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